Monday, August 25, 2008

Day 242...I don't know my exact weight...


Ok, so something is going on with me health wise. I've noticed for the last year that whenever my cervix gets "bumped" (you can imagine how), it bleeds just a wee bit. Not a lot, just a wee bit. Nothing that has concerned me. So, on Thursday, I went in for my (kind of) annual Pap test. My doctor says: So, are you on your period? No, I answer. Why? Well, she says, I just barely tapped your cervix and a wall of blood came gushing out. I don't know that the test will be able to be read it's so bloody. (I'm still thinking: oh, well, probably just a bit of blood.) She says my cervix is "friable" (read: sensitive). Still not worried. Well, why could it be that way, I ask? Well, she says, could be anything from my thyroid being out of whack (it's not) to infection (read: STD), to cancer. Holy shit... I'll take the thyroid. The other two? I'll leave those at the door.

She tells me if the techs can't read the test, it'll be about 3 weeks. If they CAN read the test, it'll be about 6 weeks. Why so long, I ask? Seems there's 62 gyns in the system, and they each do about 30 Paps a day; you do the math, she says. Then she gives me a pad. Well, y'all, not to be tooooo graphic, I went to the appointment in a dress, sans undies due to the heat. I was to embarrassed to tell her that. So, after she left the room, I made a hillbilly tampon out of medical grade paper towel material. I get home, get busy with chores, and about a half hour later (now about an hour after the appointment), I feel something. Yup, blood. Running down my legs. I go in the bathroom to remove said hillbilly "tampon" and just about hit the floor. Blood? Oh, no...this is like something out of CSI. And clots? Walnut sized. I have NEVER, NEVER bled like this before. After having my kids, yes, but any other time? Nooooo...

I call the advice nurse. She says she can't tell me anything because I haven't had a pad on. Seems that if I put on a pad and go through 4 (yes, four!) overnight pads in an HOUR then I should be worried. Until then, nah...'s my deal: This is not normal for ME. Perhaps for someone else who is a heavy bleeder, yes. For me? No way.

Long story short...I've been bleeding on and off since Thursday. Enough to have to "wear" something. WTF? Anyone else have something like this happen? Why am I the only one concerned?

ALSO, I got some bad news about my classroom on Friday. LOOOONG story short: I am to be removed from my classroom until January (!!!), and "float" as a support to four (4!!!) other classes due to a mistake someone made in administration. I'll get to come back to my class in January. Gee, thanks. In the meantime, I will miss my "kids" something fierce! And my DS girl? Oh...I'm so sad... It has taken me this long (summer/first two weeks of school) to develop a good relationship with her...and now? I'll be "gone" from her for 4 months. In 4 days she won't have anything to do with me. 4 months?! Remember her intellect is similar to a preschooler...she needs me there every day for us to have a bonded relationship. When I come back in January she'll likely be hostile towards me. Sad, sad, sad. I'm so sad. All that hard work down the drain.

SOOOOOOOOO, I'm feeling a little crapped out. Worried about my health. Worried about my "kids." Just a little worried in general.




Jodie said...

I think the idea that they're not "worried" about your bleeding has more to do with that you're not going to bleed out or something from that amount of blood, not that there isn't something wrong. If it continues I'd call the doc again, and if you don't get much response, maybe seek a 2nd opinion?

Kim said...

I'm sorry to hear about all of this... Please try not to stress to much until you know for sure that there is something wrong. I know that is easier said than done, but please try.

As for the kids - that sucks for sure. Hopefully something will change sooner than they are telling you.

In the meantime I'll be praying for the best for your health and classroom. :)

Chellie has Issues said...

I would be freaked out and worried too. I am a worrier though and it's usually over things that end up to be nothing. I hope for you it's the same way. Are you a regular or special ed teacher? Again, I'd be FREAKED/FLIPPED out if that happened to me. That happened to a coworker of mine the first year I was at my school. The principal didn't post the job correctly so she had to pay for it. They told her she could sub but they'd still pay her a reg teachers salary. Oh please. She did end up getting a job right before school started at another school but it was a nightmare. I know how you feel to get attached to kids. I had to let go of 10 second year students last year on the 2nd week of school. I'm sorry and big hugs for you.

Fatinah said...

that used to happen to me in my early 20's. They cauterized my cervix and it stopped.

Allan said...

The joys of being a man !!!!
Sorry for the pain...